My stories
3 months earlier in September

I like who I am when I’m not stressed

Read this story

I’ve always found the idea of having time off quite weird. I take four weeks off a year, only to return to the mad rush of day-to-day life? </br></br>

Navigating the frantic pace of the city, stuck inside my one-bedroom Cabbagetown apartment.</br></br>

Not to mention waking up to notifications blaring at me like an alarm clock, serving only to remind me that the list of things I have to do is a mile long.

I’ve always found the idea of having time off quite weird. I take four weeks off a year, only to return to the mad rush of day-to-day life? </br></br>

Navigating the frantic pace of the city, stuck inside my one-bedroom Cabbagetown apartment.</br></br>

Not to mention waking up to notifications blaring at me like an alarm clock, serving only to remind me that the list of things I have to do is a mile long.

Histoire 1.6
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Before reading...
I just want to take a moment to say that this might feel heavy at times. I’m here if you need help.
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